Cartoons & Caricatures "A Cartoon History"
by Angola, IN, artist Lee P. Sauer

A Cartoon History is a 50-minute prorgram by artist Lee P. Sauer that is suitable for older children and adults.

Sauer shows the relationship between cave drawings in 15,000 BC and modern cartoons. Along the way, he discusses ancient Egyptian art, Greek and Roman art, the first political cartoons of the Reformation, Charles Philipon's "fathead" drawings of King Louis Philippe, and "The Yellow Kid's" appeal to new American immigrants.

Libraries find "A Cartoon History" makes a great evening program. For a testimonial, please contact Jay County Public Library Youth Services Director Linda Shreve.

For more details on hiring the artist, please contact Lee P. Sauer.
Cartoons & Caricatures We draw smiles!

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