Cartoons & Caricatures Educational programs
by Angola, IN, artist Lee P. Sauer

Cartoons and Caricatures' artist, Lee P. Sauer, provides educational programs for schools, libraries and special events.

I Spy the United States Constitution An entertaining primer on the document that shapes our democracy

Get in Shape: Draw cartoons Instruction in basic drawing for elementary age children

Stories to Draw On Instruction in writing and illustrating stories for elementary age children

The Stories of Abe Lincoln For all audiences of all ages, an illustrated look at the funny stide of our 16th president

Freedom, Equality and Unity: the Story of America's Founding A chalk talk on how America developed from the American Revolution through the Civil War for all ages

The History of Political Cartooning A chalk talk on political cartoons for adults and older children

A Cartoon History A chalk talk on how cartoons developed from cave drawings to the "Yellow Kid" for older children and adults

For program fees and further details, please contact Lee P. Sauer.
Cartoons & Caricatures We draw smiles!

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